Quotes of the Day
2014-2015 (The Year of the Hat)
- "I'm about as fragile as an almond; you can only crack me with your teeth." (October 28)
- "Oh, the prodigal son returns!" (Kingston Regional Tournament, Life Event)
- "He is literally begging for his life right now." (Kingston Regional Tournament, Story Event)
2013-2014 (The Year of the Mat)
- "I don't know, I was just tryna make a soliloquoy." (Act 19 Scene 4:55)
- "No one wants Shrek V, Liam!" (Act 2 Scene 4:16)
- "I don't like you! ... aaaaaand scene." (Act 9 Scene 4:35)
- *Matt crying* (Act Always Scene Forever)
- "I am the offence." (Act 30 Scene 3:30)
- "Nah." (Act 14 Scene 4:31)
- "Tiny Eggs." (Act 1 Scene 8)
- "The polls, and like, whatever." (Act V Scene II)
- "Hycoon" (Epilogue)
Wombat Pants
Role-Playing Game - 3 Aspects: Narrator/Dungeon Master rolls a die to determine the outcome of actions; a high-fantasy setting; adventurers on a quest.
Asked-for: An object (this usually becomes the goal of the quest).
Shakespeare - 3 Aspects: flowery Elizabethan language; soliloquies; and at the end everyone either dies or gets married.
Asked-for: A relationship, such as master-servant, or husband-wife.
Superhero Movie - 3 Aspects: superpowers; outrageous onomatopoeia; a scheming villain.
Asked-for: An animal, which forms the basis for the hero/villain's superpower; and/or a superpower, such as walking on water, or x-ray vision.
Asked-for: An object (this usually becomes the goal of the quest).
Shakespeare - 3 Aspects: flowery Elizabethan language; soliloquies; and at the end everyone either dies or gets married.
Asked-for: A relationship, such as master-servant, or husband-wife.
Superhero Movie - 3 Aspects: superpowers; outrageous onomatopoeia; a scheming villain.
Asked-for: An animal, which forms the basis for the hero/villain's superpower; and/or a superpower, such as walking on water, or x-ray vision.